One of the most well known traditions in the US is making New Year's Resolutions. Is this something that you do? And are you successful at it?
I have had limited success with my resolutions in the past, mostly because I get too busy and focus on other things and before you know it, the year is over. According to researchers, 90% of people who make New Year's Resolutions, will not successfully achieve them. The reasons behind this suggest that people tend to get excited by the thought that the New Year is a new beginning, and in their excitement, they tend to make resolutions that are too broad and too grand to be attainable. Researchers also have found out that many resolutions backfire because they are grounded in guilt.
For example, if a person is feeling guilty for being overweight, then they might make a resolution to "Lose Weight." The science behind this shows that while the intention is good, and healthy to boot, the details and small steps that it takes to actually achieve this goal are missing.
Instead of making large resolutions, make smaller ones. For instance, instead of saying "Lose Weight" you might want to say "I will exercise for 30 minutes a day." Once you have kept the resolution for 30 days, add another small detail - like increasing your exercise to 60 minutes or adding a sentence that says "I will exercise for 30 minutes a day and eat a salad for one meal everyday."
Taking smaller steps towards your goals will help you reach your goals successfully. So, slow down, pick one resolution to focus on, and then add the details for each step. Keep a journal of your progress so that you can keep yourself accountable, but also so that you can relive your successes, identify your challenges and change your methods if needed.
I hope you have an amazing New Year, best of luck with whatever resolutions you decide to make. :)